February has proved to be a rather dry month which is quite surprising and its been a little chilly too. Not too much frost but a nippy wind today. The daffodils and snowdrops are rather late here this year, but still a lovely display. Next week we are going to start putting our yurts back on their bases ready for the beginning of the season. Lets hope the weather stays dry for the yurt building. We always welcome help from anyone who would like to know how to build a yurt - give us a call if you would like to come and help! Lots of bookings coming in now. Sometimes people ask me for ideas of interesting things to do when staying here and I can recommend all sorts of activities including beautiful walks, visits to Dartmoor and the local beaches, local towns and villages and tourist attractions, However if you are interested in something a little more sedate why not try a workshop making a mosaic. Check out this website for bookings: www.mosaic-workshops.co.uk . The lady who runs these is delightful and offers really fun days out making wonderful works of art in mosaics.
The nights are getting lighter and this week the temperatures have reached +10 degrees which feels positively warmer than all the frosty nights we have had in January. The shepherds hut has proved popular during January with intrepid guests staying over and enjoying the wood burning stove as it really keeps the hut very toasty and cosy indeed. We are looking forward to putting our yurts up again in time for Easter. The two swans that many guests watched on our lake last summer have returned and seem to be courting and potentially even nest building. The larger swan, who we assume to be male has been named Beau, and the smaller and assumed female and long time resident is called Ethel. They are territorial and have chased off the canada geese that were settled here. Who knows what the spring will bring. We are taking bookings now, so if you want to come and stay then give us a call soon as May is getting very popular with the additional bank holidays around the Kings Coronation.
AuthorLiz Jeffery - owner of Hemsford Yurt camp Categories |